Bike Donations
Working Bikes Drop-Off Location
We are a drop-off location for Working Bikes in Chicago, IL. Working Bikes rescues discarded bicycles, and gives them new life by redistributing them as tools of empowerment in local and global communities. Working Bikes accepts donations of bikes, bike parts, and accessories.
Simply drop-off you bicycles and gear, and you will receive a donation letter for tax purposes. It's that easy.
Bicycles Etc. Top Shop for Working Bikes
To help celebrate and give thanks to our collection partners, we distribute “Top Shop” awards to each shop or individual that collected bikes that year. In 2023, our partners collected 4,396 bikes, with Bicycles Etc. in Lisle as the top collector with 367 bikes! So far this year, we’ve exceeded our 2023 total by 42 bikes, ringing in the current total at 4,438 bikes! Bicycles Etc. in Lisle is also in the lead for top collector with 416 bikes collected so far this year! Village Cyclesport in Arlington Heights is currently our second highest bike collector at 269 bikes and Recycled Cycling is our third highest collector with 231 bikes this year. While bike collecting is not a competition, we love to share the data and give more love to our partners! You can check out your local bike shop and a few of our favorites on the Working Bikes website and always remember to support your local bike shop with seasonal tune ups and more mechanically-involved repairs.
Browse Our Bike Selection
Find your dream bike today and visit us for a test ride. We'll ensure that you're on the right bike to meet your needs and the right frame size for a comfortable, safe cycling experience.